
Posts Tagged ‘lfcuniversity’

Top Home Based Businesses 2009 – Objection Tips

In Uncategorized on November 28, 2009 at 6:47 pm

When you get to the position of actually running your Home Based Business, you are going to start having conversations and actually start doing mini presentations of your business. People are going to want to know more to see if they can identify themselves with your opportunity. Here are some tips to keep you sharp on your toes.

Know your company
Once you finally find a company to work with, learn the ends and outs of your new home based business. You don’t have to go read every little tech aspect of it, but you are going to want to at least know the most frequently asked questions, and keep a list of them. Also as you continue moving forward you will start to hear new questions about the company come up, add them to the list. This will give you very detailed information that will assist you will making an intelligent decision. Once you start marketing your business, you will already have the answers to their questions. You can assist people on the spot, which will increase your closing ratio, meaning more sales, which means more money.

Know your product
Make sure you know all about your product and actually make sure to be a product of the product. The best way to know about any product is to actually use it. You don’t want to just endorse anything out there. Don,t try to sell something that you would not buy. You have to have some passion in what you are selling, and make it your business to remember some testimonies from other consultants in your business. Post some the testimonials on your site or blog. Use these tips when you are in your social media networks like (myspace, facebook).

Know your Compensation Plan
You have to know how you get paid. You wouldn’t start a job and not know exactly how much you get paid. So make sure you know how to explain your new compensation plan. When you go shopping, you would buy from the guy who knows about his product, than someone who wants you to buy but can’t explain it. This is also another good checkpoint to start adding all the questions you can come up with about your comp plan, and make a list to always refer back to.

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Best Home Based Businesses For 2009 – Business Plan Tips

In Uncategorized on November 28, 2009 at 6:12 pm

What Side Are You On?

Do you know what to do after you finally find the best Home Based Business For 2009? Most people get started and get so wrapped up in all the training and resources out there and do nothing. You have to stop what your doing and get yourself organized with a good business plan. First understand that this is a business and you must work it as such.

Work Your Business Like A Business

You must understand that is is a business, not a hobby. If you run it like hobby, its going to pay you like a hobby. You must visualize yourself as already making 6-7 figures and act as such. Just imagine how you would get up in the morning and start your business when you hit that 7 figure mark. How would your relationships change. How would you address yourself to people? How would you speak? Now change your mindset and act that way now.

Identify Your Potential Roadblocks

Make sure you make a list of all the roadblocks you might encounter. You are going to want to find multiple ways to overcome them if they arise. That way you will be well prepared for as many situations as possible. Having this list will give you a great archive of solutions to assist you with getting passed those roadblocks.

Cash Flow

When organizing your business, you want to be well aware of whats coming in and whats going out. Keeping good records of these numbers will keep you from going in the hole, if something was to happen. What are your start up expenses? What are your recurring cost, or how much is it going to cost to manage your online business? You must know these numbers because they give you a real idea of your true profit and losses numbers.

Income Goals

How much money do you want to make? What a funny question. Most people will say around $10k a month which is not a bad income nor is it impossible, but you have to set realistic goals. How long have you been making your income? 10 years, 15 years? Don’t expect to get your new home based business and expect to make 10k your second month. Once you have a realistic income blue print in place you can measure your progress and adjust your program when needed.

Best Home Based Businesses For 2009 – Leadership Tips

In Uncategorized on November 17, 2009 at 2:41 pm

Home Based Business Tips

Operating a home based business in 2009 will be very exciting once you learn the ins and outs of your new empire. Make note, that it will take you a period of time to actually develop the skills needed to take your income to the next level. Becoming a leader in your home based business is a very important step. Here are some tips to assist you.

Identify Your Strengths And Weaknesses

You always want to be well aware of your strengths and weaknesses in your home based business. Master your strengths and hire/ partner with people who can cover your weaknesses while you improve them. Make sure you write them down. In the section under weaknesses, write down all the people and resources that you think could help you become better. For example, you don’t think you have what it takes to be a public speaker but you want to acquire that skill. Take that weakness and type it into Google and start doing research on tips that can assist you.

Effective Partnering Tips

You must know how key this is in your home based business. You have to make sure you are partnering with the right people. People who you can get along with, as well as the other members of your team. There is no questions that you are going to need to partner with the right people if you want a successful business. You have to understand that very prospect isn’t a good candidate for your team. You are going to have to know when to say no. No matter how bad you think you need the sale, if you don’t think you can work good with that person do not bring them into your business. Watch out for people who complain all the time. Do not bring on difficult people who you feel you cant work with, it will hinder your business in the long run.

Have Posture

Posture in your home based business is a key area that has to be developed. Posture is the energy and confidence that you exude forward. If you are a beginner in your home based business or an expert, you should put out the same energy. You should see yourself as already making your desired income in your head, and talk to people, how you would talk to them as a Millionaire.

Looking to start the best home based business for 2009? Check out LFC-University. Please Leave Any Comments Below.

What Side Are You On?

Home Based Business For 2009 – Things to Focus On

In Uncategorized on November 16, 2009 at 6:13 pm

What Side Are You On?

Running a home based business can be a very exciting journey once you understand that its going to take some time and consistent activity to form a great foundation. One of the greatest gifts of running the top home based business in 2009, is that you will start to be recognized as a leader in your market. Here are some tips to assist you with your new home based business in 2009.

Identify Your Strengths And Weaknesses
You must identify the areas you are strong in so you can know your leadership abilities. This will give you a better understanding of who you need to partner with. You can put more attention to the areas you are strong in, at the same time build up on your weaknesses. Your weaknesses will help you identify the places you need assistance with so you can find the right partners that can help your mastermind team. You don’t have to be an expert at everything, just surround yourself with people who are experts in different fields. That way you will have all angles covered.

Effective Partnering
You must know how key this is in your home based business. You have to make sure you are partnering with the right people. People who you can get along with, as well as the other members of your team. There is no questions that you are going to need to partner with the right people if you want a successful business. You have to understand that very prospect isn’t a good candidate for your team. You are going to have to know when to say no. No matter how bad you think you need the sale, if you don’t think you can work good with that person do not bring them into your business. Watch out for people who complain all the time. Do not bring on difficult people who you feel you cant work with, it will hinder your business in the long run.

Posture reflects what you think about yourself. Its the confidence that you exude when your on the phone with a prospect, when you hold your head up and explain to your In-laws what you do for a living. Posture is something that is within and it must be acquired. Great posture comes after you realize that you are in control and people actually need what you have to offer. People can hear the confidence in your voice when you have mastered this skill. Remember you have to visualize yourself as that person, and you will become that person.

Are you satisfied with working in Corporate America for 20-30 years doing the same job, to retire on $100k a year or less if your lucky? Have you ever thought about becoming a Entrepreneur? Just imagine earning $10k a month after 12 months, being able to retire within 2-5 years, controlling your own schedule, actually take vacations whenever you decide, with enough income to hire a full-time nanny (if you have kids). Simply put just creating your Desired Lifestyle? Entrepreneurs are taking advantage of home based businesses for 2009?

“Secret Home Based Business Event”

Best Home Based Businesses For 2009 Tips On Handling Dream Crushers

In Uncategorized on October 17, 2009 at 5:55 am
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What Side Are You On?

So you finally found your dream home based business for 2009. You all excited, so what do you want to do? Of course, go tell all your friends and family. Sometimes this can be one of the worst ways to start your home based business. See some times people will put down your new project because they don’t see exactly what you see. You have to identify these people and fast. Too many negative seeds will effect the strongest mind.

Dream Crushers
Get red of the dream crushers in your life. This is a very vital tip for success. These are the people who can always find the negative in any situation. The pessimistic. They always find reasons why you could fail, instead of thinking of ways to become successful. They spend to much time worrying about the small things in life, where they can progress to success. They don’t want you to be successful because they know you wont have time for their pity parties and gossip. You must surround yourself with positive people who believe in you or inspire you. The rest, just stay away from. Do not share your dreams, business plans, or anything with them. They will suck the motivation and life right out of you if you allow them to. They feed your subconscious mind negative seeds of doubt. That’s why its very vital to stay plugged into your training calls and live conference events. You destroy these people with success. Never argue about your dreams, just prove by actions. If a dream crusher happens to be a spouse, you must let them know that your family will be successful whether they like it or not. Don’t be afraid to change yourself because of what others might think of you. You must be willing to do what it takes to be successful, and that means becoming a different person with a different mindset. You can’t stay the same, doing the same things and expect different results. That’s insanity

Don’t Tell Everyone Your Goals/Dreams
Sometimes people will give you negativity and not even mean to be negative. Most people have been living by default and just waiting on luck to come their way. its just human nature to take the least resistant way, and your way may be out of the norm. the matrix. if you are still working a job when you start your new venture, don’t be so excited that you go tell everyone else there. remember that their is a different mindset between employees and entrepreneurs. trust me, if you work your business right it will feel 100 % better when your lifestyle changes and they come running to you with positive feed back. you don’t want everyone at your job to pressure you into success. Keep it a secret and let them watch you achieve it.

Something to think about: In our current Economy would you choose to stay in Corporate America for 20-30 years doing the same job, to retire on $100k a year or less if your lucky? Or would you choose to become an Entrepreneur? Just imagine earning $10k a month after 12 months, being able to retire within 2-5 years, controlling your own schedule, actually take vacations whenever you decide.  Simply put just creating your Desired Lifestyle? Entrepreneurs are taking advantage of home based businesses for 2009? Learn how to make $10k a month after 12 months in the #1 home base business? Unless you have a better plan, give your dreams another chance. For more info on Eddie Russell and LFC-University, submit your application at http://lfcuniversity.com Learn how their Private Entrepreneur Marketing Academy can transform your whole life, with an Secret Exploding Industry that everyone needs assistance with. Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki dedicated a whole book to this industry titled “Why We want you to be rich.”




Home Based Businesses For 2009 3 Starter Tips

In Uncategorized on June 30, 2009 at 10:33 pm
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What Side Are You On?

Are you on the search for the best Home
Based Business For 2009
? There are literally thousands of companies, and scams out there. Before you get into starting phase, I would like to share with you a few tips that helped me when I got started. The most important tip is to ….

Develop your New Mindset
The first and most important thing in searching for home based businesses for 2009 that works is to develop a new mindset.
What I mean by this phrase is re develop your mindset from an employee mentality to an entrepreneur mentality.
See traditional schooling has trained you to become a real good employee, Who goes to work for the Entrepreneurs. So its not your fault that you have that mindset. But you have a choice and you must make the choice to be a entrepreneur everyday.

You have to be willing to step
out of that comfort zone and actually try what everyone else is afraid of. Its easier to hate your job, stay and complain, than it is to actually put some effort and hard work into yourself, doing something different and unusual. People hate change.

Example- People go to work everyday, wake up to an alarm clock, and
rush through traffic just to get to work on time to make their bosses/supervisors happy, for a set pay scale. By just adjusting your mindset and put in just half the hours into yourself and your own business, you
can have the money and time to do what ever you want, whenever you want
to. Employee mindset is set to getting wages, trading time for money.

The entrepreneur mindset, allows you to invest in yourself, acquire
more skills that you can increase your value to society, which enables
you to have the knowledge to let your money work for you. In your
search for the best home based business for 2009,
the EntrepreneurMindset is your key asset

Become a Savvy Marketer

The first thing you must understand, is that marketing is the key to any business.
If your business, doesn’t have customers to talk to, then
I can guarantee you that you will go out of business. Customers/leads
are the lifeblood of any business, and if no one is buying because you
didn’t market in front of them, then your home based business wont work
at all. In your search for a home based business that works, make sure
they have a marketing system with training in place, that actually
teaches you off line marketing as well as on line.

LFC-University is a great example of a system that teaches you offline/online working
advertising methods. You have to be accepted through an application
process, but if you are approved, you will have a better advantage than 90
percent of other business owners. Additional tip, also make sure your new company keeps up to date with new content to stay on top of your market/Niche.

Define your Mission

Make your vision plan and in writing. You should write down very
specific reasons why you are doing your home based business. This
should be a very achievable game plan to how you are going to
accomplish your goals. Your mission should be big enough that people
will want to follow you.

Start dreaming again, when you find a real
home based business that works, you will see your desires and dreams
come true one by one if you built a great foundation. Make your mission
bigger than yourself. When you find yourself getting unmotivated, which tends to happen, think and visualize your mission being accomplished and the emotion you will feel when you reach your goals.

These tips will help you start to build a solid foundation and help you start your search for the top home based businesses for

Something to think about: In our current Economy would you choose to stay in Corporate America for 20-30 years doing the same job, to retire on $100k a year or less if your lucky? Or would you choose to become an Entrepreneur? Just imagine earning $10k a month after 12 months, being able to retire within 2-5 years, controlling your own schedule, actually take vacations whenever you decide, with money to pay for daycare for your whole vacation. Simply put just creating your Desired Lifestyle? Entrepreneurs are taking advantage of home based businesses for 2009? Learn how to make $10k a month after 12 months in the #1 home base business? Unless you have a better plan, give your dreams another chance and read about LFC-University and how their Entrepreneur Marketing Academy can transform your whole life, with an Secret Exploding Industry that everyone needs assistance with. Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki dedicated a whole book to this industry titled “Why We want you to be rich.”

“Home Based Businesses For 2009” 3 Company Choosing-Tips

In Uncategorized on June 29, 2009 at 8:16 pm
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What Side Are You On?

Are you ready to start your Home Based Business For 2009
Here are 3 tips that can assist you while going through this process.
One of the most important aspects of business, is making sure you
choose a pay plan that enables you to get paid directly.
Most companies out there make you wait weeks, or even months to get paid.

Which brings me to my first tip…

Make sure you pick a company a GPT-Payplan
This concept means that you Get Paid Today. This structure of pay enables
you to get paid directly when the sale is made. Not like most companies
where you have to wait up to 30 days to get payed. You get paid upfront
and that money is worth alot more to you today than it would be 30 to
90 days from now.

Also make sure you are getting big commissions. It
is better to get paid $1000 per sale than $100 per sale with the same
amount of work.

Follow A Proven System
When you are doing research for your home based business,
you should make sure that they have a simple proven system that the
average person can plug into and make profits with immediately.
Its all about profits. The quicker your customer/ rep can make their Roi
(Return On Investment) back, the happier they will be and the longer
they will stick around. With a proven system, the only thing that
should be missing is you. Do the hard work up front, be patient and
have consistent action and you will see results.

Products must have value
When doing your product research, make sure that the products are
something that actually gives value and increases the well being of
someones life. Anybody can sell vitamin juices and pills, Target,
Walmart, kroger, and every other retail store. Find products that stand
alone and make you feel good when you sell them. Make sure your product
isn’t already saturated in the market and also make sure you are
getting paid a high commission on that product. It will take you the
same time to advertise a $100 product as it will a $1000
product. Be wise in your selection process and make sure your
product actually helps people create better lives for their family and

Something to think about: In our current Economy would you choose to stay in Corporate America for 20-30 years doing the same job, to retire on $100k a year or less if your lucky? Or would you choose to become an Entrepreneur? Just imagine earning $10k a month after 12 months, being able to retire within 2-5 years, controlling your own schedule, actually take vacations whenever you decide, with money to pay for daycare for your whole vacation. Simply put just creating your Desired Lifestyle? Entrepreneurs are taking advantage of home based businesses for 2009? Learn how to make $10k a month after 12 months in the #1 home base business? Unless you have a better plan, give your dreams another chance and read about LFC-University and how their Entrepreneur Marketing Academy can transform your whole life, with an Secret Exploding Industry that everyone needs assistance with. Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki dedicated a whole book to this industry titled “Why We want you to be rich.”

Our Secret Team
