
Posts Tagged ‘find a home based business’

Top Home Based Businesses 2009 – Objection Tips

In Uncategorized on November 28, 2009 at 6:47 pm

When you get to the position of actually running your Home Based Business, you are going to start having conversations and actually start doing mini presentations of your business. People are going to want to know more to see if they can identify themselves with your opportunity. Here are some tips to keep you sharp on your toes.

Know your company
Once you finally find a company to work with, learn the ends and outs of your new home based business. You don’t have to go read every little tech aspect of it, but you are going to want to at least know the most frequently asked questions, and keep a list of them. Also as you continue moving forward you will start to hear new questions about the company come up, add them to the list. This will give you very detailed information that will assist you will making an intelligent decision. Once you start marketing your business, you will already have the answers to their questions. You can assist people on the spot, which will increase your closing ratio, meaning more sales, which means more money.

Know your product
Make sure you know all about your product and actually make sure to be a product of the product. The best way to know about any product is to actually use it. You don’t want to just endorse anything out there. Don,t try to sell something that you would not buy. You have to have some passion in what you are selling, and make it your business to remember some testimonies from other consultants in your business. Post some the testimonials on your site or blog. Use these tips when you are in your social media networks like (myspace, facebook).

Know your Compensation Plan
You have to know how you get paid. You wouldn’t start a job and not know exactly how much you get paid. So make sure you know how to explain your new compensation plan. When you go shopping, you would buy from the guy who knows about his product, than someone who wants you to buy but can’t explain it. This is also another good checkpoint to start adding all the questions you can come up with about your comp plan, and make a list to always refer back to.

What Side Are You On?

Best Home Based Businesses For 2009 – Business Plan Tips

In Uncategorized on November 28, 2009 at 6:12 pm

What Side Are You On?

Do you know what to do after you finally find the best Home Based Business For 2009? Most people get started and get so wrapped up in all the training and resources out there and do nothing. You have to stop what your doing and get yourself organized with a good business plan. First understand that this is a business and you must work it as such.

Work Your Business Like A Business

You must understand that is is a business, not a hobby. If you run it like hobby, its going to pay you like a hobby. You must visualize yourself as already making 6-7 figures and act as such. Just imagine how you would get up in the morning and start your business when you hit that 7 figure mark. How would your relationships change. How would you address yourself to people? How would you speak? Now change your mindset and act that way now.

Identify Your Potential Roadblocks

Make sure you make a list of all the roadblocks you might encounter. You are going to want to find multiple ways to overcome them if they arise. That way you will be well prepared for as many situations as possible. Having this list will give you a great archive of solutions to assist you with getting passed those roadblocks.

Cash Flow

When organizing your business, you want to be well aware of whats coming in and whats going out. Keeping good records of these numbers will keep you from going in the hole, if something was to happen. What are your start up expenses? What are your recurring cost, or how much is it going to cost to manage your online business? You must know these numbers because they give you a real idea of your true profit and losses numbers.

Income Goals

How much money do you want to make? What a funny question. Most people will say around $10k a month which is not a bad income nor is it impossible, but you have to set realistic goals. How long have you been making your income? 10 years, 15 years? Don’t expect to get your new home based business and expect to make 10k your second month. Once you have a realistic income blue print in place you can measure your progress and adjust your program when needed.

3 Ways To Guarantee Success In Your Home Based Business

In Uncategorized on February 23, 2009 at 4:16 pm


Are you Ready To Start a Home Based Business?

That’s a great decision because you’re positioning yourself with one of the Most Powerful Business Models EVER. A business model where you can start at the bottom work your way to the top with little start-up capital. Home Based Businesses teach you how to operate your business and make it a thriving empire, with no experience necessary.

Normal, average people just like you are earning $5,000 to $10,000 a week, with the aid of their home businesses. A $100,000 income is very attainable with this business model. There is limitless income potential but you’re going to need more than just potential, if you want to achieve financial freedom.

You’re going to need a Plan and a System.

How are you going to advertise and generate leads? How are you going to acquire new customers without knocking on your neighbors doors like newspaper salesmen? How will your new consultants get trained so you can enjoy a six-figure residual income?

These are some very important questions that we’re going to answer right now.

Key to Success #1: Find a Home Based Business with a team that is having success.

The first key to success in any business is to partner with a team that is already having the success that you are looking for. How did they build their businesses? Online? Offline? 3-Foot Rule?

-How available is your up line for questions, business planning, and consultations?

-What kind of training are they going to provide you?

-Do they have training websites in place or will you have to create your own?

In today’s world of business, you need to find a team that is very internet savvy, partnered with their offline methods. They must have a proven marketing system that will allow you to capitalize on various online lead generation tools like Google Adwords, Social Networks, Blogging, and Web 2.0. Within this industry, these types of systems are called Sales and Marketing Systems, or Turn-Key Marketing Systems.

Key to Success #2: Plug-In to an effective marketing system

Leads are the Life of any business. There is no way around it. No prospects to talk to = no sales. Most Home business owners simply work their warm markets until they are burnt out, forced to buy over priced leads or have to go out and do the 3 foot rule.

From experience, you want to have the ability to generate at least 20+ leads a day, which can easily be done, with platforms like Google Adwords, Social Networks, and Direct Mail, with minor computer skills

Key to Success #3: Gathering Customers Internationally

Most home business owners focus their customer base in the country that they are in, but the Best Home Based Business owners use a little secret that I learned some time ago; if your company offers you the ability to recruit and accept customers in different countries, always take advantage of that. That is one of the secrets to a great residual income. If you can get a pretty strong team of consultants and customers in another country, you will be taking advantage of one of my little secrets: Time-Zone Leverage. MAKING REAL MONEY IN YOUR SLEEP

As you evaluate your new home business, make sure that it has a sales system in place to allow you to quickly and easily acquire new customers on a daily basis from your home office.

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